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International Yoga Day Quiz 2023 – Attempt Now!

International Yoga Day Quiz

International Yoga Day Quiz 2023: An individual’s inner consciousness and the outside world are profoundly connected through yoga, which brings joy, health, and peace from within. Throughout the world, people celebrate the International Day of Yoga on June 21. It will be the 9th time that the International Day of Yoga is observed in 2023. The theme of this year the IDY 2023 is “Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam“. Learn about yoga and its dedicated yoga day by attempting the quiz on yoga below.

International Yoga Day Quiz 2023 – Questions on Yoga Day

Below we have provided the yoga day quiz questions and answers that you can go through to sharpen your knowledge on the benefits of yoga, the history of yoga and many other aspects related to yoga. The yoga day MCQs are provided with the correct answers to every question on yoga day.

  1. In which year the first International Day of Yoga was celebrated?

Answer: 2015

  1. Yoga is best described by which of these phrases?

Answer: A spiritual discipline

  1. What is one of the benefits of yoga?

Answer: All of the above

  1. The mountain pose is known as which yogasana?

Answer: Tadasana

  1. What type of asana is anantasana?

Answer: Reclining

  1. The Kukkutasana is what type of asana?

Answer: Balancing

  1. What is the sitting asana among the below mentioned?

Answer: Simhasana

  1. A Yoga headstand is which of these?

Answer: Salamba Shirshasana

  1. In yoga, the handstand is also referred to as?

Answer: Adho Mukha Vrikshasana

  1. Prana means what?

Answer: Vital life force

  1. Is there a side split in any of these?

Answer: Samakonasana

  1. In which of these poses do you balance your hands?

Answer: Mayurasana

  1. ‘Scorpion pose’ refers to which of these positions?

Answer: Vrischikasana

  1. Is there an asana that is also called the ‘wind-relieving pose’?

Answer: Pavanamuktasana

  1. In bhujangasana, what does the word bhujang refer to?

Answer: Cobra

  1. Which pose is also called the crocodile pose?

Answer: Makarasana

  1. How does Vrikshasana help improve?

Answer: Maintaining balance

  1. In Surya Namaskara, how many steps are involved?

Answer: 12

  1. What was the first person to propose an International Day of Yoga?

Answer: The PM of India, Narendra Modi

  1. How do you define the word ‘Yoga’?

Answer: Join/Unite

  1. Which of these asanas provides a good spinal stretch?

Answer: Halasana

  1. When it comes to controlling the breath, what is the name of the technique?

Answer: Pranayama

  1. From which language is the word ‘yoga’ derived?

Answer: Sanskrit

  1. In which position is Sukhasana performed?

Answer: Sitting

  1. What is the theme of International Day of Yoga 2023?

Answer: Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

26. Halasana activates which of these glands?

Answer: Thyroid

27. How does Agnisara benefit you?

Answer: Strengthens abdominal muscles

28. Bhramari Pranayama has which of these benefits?

Answer: All of the above

29. It is not recommended to practice Surya Namaskara if the person is having:

Answer: High blood pressure

30. What is the meaning of Surya Namaskar?

Answer: Sun Salutation

MyGov International Day of Yoga 2023 Quiz 2.0

In recognition of Yoga’s widespread appeal and its proven benefits for boosting immunity and relieving stress, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) officially declared June 21st as the International Day of Yoga (IDY) on December 11th, 2014. Since 2015, this day has been celebrated worldwide with increasing participation, aiming to raise awareness about the advantages of Yoga and foster lasting public interest by emphasizing its significance and contributions to public health.

The preparations for the 9th International Day of Yoga (IDY 2023) have already commenced, and the Ministry of Ayush (MoA) eagerly anticipates active participation from the public. Against this backdrop, the MoA has launched a quiz competition to commemorate the 9th IDY, aiming to assess individuals’ knowledge about Yoga, previous IDY celebrations, and various initiatives organized by the Ministry for this year.

MyGov International Day of Yoga 2023 Quiz 2.0 Answers

How many types of Kapalbhati are described in ‘Gherandsamhita’?

According to Hathayoga, another name for Siddhasana is

Which of the following Prana is confined to only the heart and thorax

Who is Yogi Svatmarama?

MitaHara is a Sanskrit word which means?

To which Kosha do Chakras and Nadis belong?

How many vayus are mentioned in yogic texts?

In which Mudra can all diseases of the rectum be destroyed, as well as premature death prevented?

Yujyate in Yoga means

Is Raja Yoga the art of controlling the?

We hope you attempted this quiz on International Yoga Day. For more quizzes like this follow our blog Studiously Yours.

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