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World Telecommunication Day Quiz 2024 – Attempt Now & Test Your Knowledge!

World Telecommunication Day Quiz

World Telecommunication Day Quiz: Every year on May 17, we observe World Telecommunication Day (WTD) to recognize the importance of information and communication technology in our society. The day also commemorates the signing of the first International Telegraph Convention in Paris on May 17, 1865, the occasion for the founding of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Every year, a topical theme is chosen and events around the world are held to celebrate that theme. Let’s first become aware of some of the major information related to World Telecommunication Day as well as ITU, before attempting the questions on World Telecom Day 2024.

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World Telecommunication Day Facts – All You Need To Know!

If you want to attempt the quiz on World Telecommunication Day in a serious manner, you first need to be aware of all the details related to the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day celebration.

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We observe World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) to help spread awareness of potential benefits that use of the Internet and other ICT can offer society and economy, as well as approaches to bridging the digital divide.

World Telecommunication Day Quiz 2024 – Attempt Now!

Below we have provided the most important questions in this International Telecommunication Day Quiz and the associated UN organization for the day, ITU.

When is World Telecommunication Day observed?

  1. 17 April
  2. 17 May
  3. 27 April
  4. 27 May

Answer – B. 17 May

What is the theme of World Telecommunication Day 2024?

  1. Connect 2030: ICTs for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  2. Accelerating digital transformation in challenging times
  3. Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development
  4. Bridging the standardisation gap

Answer – C. Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development

Which two days have been merged into World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD)?

  1. World Telecommunication Day
  2. World Information Technology Day
  3. World Technology Day
  4. World Information Society Day

Answer – A. World Telecommunication Day and D. World Information Society Day

Which organistaion conduct a high level event on World Telecommunication and Information Society Day?

  1. International Telecommunication Union
  2. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  3. International Electrotechnical Commission
  4. Association for Computing Machinery

Answer – A. International Telecommunication Union

What is the name of the parent organisation of ITU?

  1. United Nations General Assembly
  2. United Nations Economic and Social Council
  3. United Nations Trusteeship Council
  4. United Nations Security Council

Answer – B. United Nations Economic and Social Council

When was International Telecommunication Union established?

  1. 17 May 1865
  2. 27 May 1885
  3. 17 May 1885
  4. 27 May 1865

Answer – 17 May 1865

What is the older name of International Telecommunication Union?

  1. International Telegraph Union
  2. International Telemetry Union
  3. International Telephone Union
  4. International Trust Union

Answer – A. International Telegraph Union

Where is ITU headquartered?

  1. Nairobi,
  2. The Hague
  3. Geneva
  4. Vienna

Answer – B. Geneva

Who is the current Secretary-General of ITU? 

  1. Houlin Zhao
  2. Hamadoun Toure
  3. Yoshio Utmusi
  4. Richard E. Butler

Answer – A. Houlin Zhao

We hope this article on World Telecommunication Day Quiz was proved to be helpful and informative. Let us know in the comments if you would like to share any important information that we ight have missed.

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