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NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory – Facts, Discoveries & Contribution

NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory telescope recently detected X-rays from Uranus, the 7th planet in our solar system. This major breakthrough of Chandra X-ray Observatory will reveal the hidden secrets of this ice giant planet. Chandra X-ray Observatory is one of the four NASA’s series of Great Observatory satellites. The other three are Hubble Space Telescope, Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, and Spitzer Space Telescope. In this article, we will discuss in detail Chandra X-ray Observatory and its discoveries.

Illustration of NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory Telescope, Image Credit:

X-ray Telescopes – The Journey So Far

X-ray is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum. X-ray telescopes are designed to detect the X-rays coming out of hot bodies such as the Sun, stars, neutron stars, binary star systems, black holes, supernova remnants, and even sometimes comets. The X-ray telescopes intend to collect the X-ray photons emerging from these astronomical objects. X-ray telescopes are established outside the Earth’s atmosphere for successful X-ray detection.

The Chandra spacecraft was launched on 23 July 1999 on the Space Shuttle Columbia (STS-93) from the Kennedy Space Center, LC-39B. It used Boeing’s IUS (Inertial Upper Stage), and Chandra’s own liquid propulsion system, Image Credit:
x-ray telescopes electromagnetic spectrum range comparison, Image Credit:

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Chandra X-ray Observatory Facts

Chandra X-ray Observatory telescope is a state-of-the-art scientific instrument and the following are some interesting facts about the Chandra X-ray telescope that makes it outstanding in the field of X-ray astronomy.

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Chandra X-ray Observatory Purpose

The fundamental idea of deploying the Chandra telescope is to detect the astrophysical X-rays emerging out from hot astronomical bodies. X-rays are produced when the matter is heated to millions of degrees. Such high temperatures occur where extreme magnetic fields, or intense gravity, or explosive forces, exist predominantly. Upon collision of charged particle say an electron, some energy is lost by the particles in the form of photons, which traves with the speed of light from their place of emergence. Due to the lightest weight of electrons, it is assumed that most of the photons in the universe are generated from the election collision.

The Chandra X-ray telescope can detect such hot, highly energetic regions of space by detecting the X-rays coming out of them. The detection of such hot regions will inspire the second step of measuring the hot region. Upon studying the hot regions and identifying the rate of expansion of the cluster of galaxies, the fireball of the Big Bang can be tracked. The amount of dark matter can also be analyzed that is represented by the pressure in the hot gas. All these answers will finally determine the fate of the universe, will it expand forever or will collapse ultimately.

The Sun was the first celestial object discovered to emit X-rays with the help of Apollo Telescope Mount.

Chandra X-ray Observatory Elements

The Chandra X-ray observatory has three main elements divided into the spacecraft system, the telescope system, and the science instruments Module

Chandra X-ray Observatory Telescope Elements, Image Credit:

The Spacecraft System

This part of the observatory containing computers, communication antennas, and data recorders is considered under the spacecraft system. These entities are helpful in making a communication link between the observatory and ground station. To prevent it from excessive light sun sensor is also provided. To generate the power solar arrays are installed that also charge three nickel-hydrogen batteries used as a backup.

The Telescope System

High-Resolution Mirror Assembly (HRMA) is the main part of the Chandra telescope system. These mirrors are in paraboloid and hyperboloid shapes and the surface is coated with iridium or gold. This complex mirror assembly is required as the high-energy X-rays can easily penetrate normal mirrors. 2 sets of 4 nested mirrors make special cylindrical mirrors. The incoming X-rays after reflections are funneled to the instrument part for study. This mirror assembly is covered for insulation to keep the same internal temperature.

Science Instrument Module

Working of the instrument section covers collecting and studying the X-rays. The SIM (Science Instrument Module) holds two focal-plane cameras. The first instrument is ACIS (Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer) for recording the position and energy of the X-rays. The second instrument is HRC (High-Resolution Camera) for recording the X-ray images. These two instruments complement each other. For more detailed energy information two diffraction gratings are available that can be inserted between the path of the X-ray between telescope and detectors. Both the gratings have different usage depending upon the X-ray energies.

How does the Chandra telescope work?

Chandra X-ray space telescope is located outside the Earth’s atmospheric region and deployed above Earth’s atmosphere up to an altitude of 86,500 mi (139,000 km) in space. A large number of X-rays are absorbed by the atmosphere and for this reason, we need space-based X-ray telescopes. The Chandra telescope can produce full-color images of X-ray-emitting objects and provide information about the wavelength and intensity. Chandra telescope is operated from Chandra X-Ray Center at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Chandra Mirrors X-ray Telescope, Image Credit:

Incoming X-ray is incident on the mirror of highly polished four pairs of Chandra mirrors. This X-ray bounces with the help of secondary mirrors to get focused. After the skip-down process, the X-ray travels a 26-foot telescope tube towards the scientific instrument section. In between the path, gratings can be moved into. The instrument section is controlled manually for imaging and detailed analysis of the X-ray.

X-ray path in Chandra Telescope, Image Creadit:

Chandra X-ray Observatory Discoveries

NASA’s Chandra telescope opens a treasure trove of cosmic delights. Although the Chandra telescope was launched projecting an expected lifetime of 5 years, on September 4, 2001, NASA extended its lifetime to 10 years due to its outstanding job. Physically Chandra could last much longer. A 2004 study that took place at the Chandra X-ray Center pointed out that the observatory could last at least 15 years. The journey of the Chandra X-ray telescope still continues even in 2021 (under safe mode operations) and has been helping scientists tremendously since its launch. Below mentioned are some of the interesting discoveries of the Chandra X-ray Observatory.

High Resolution Camera Composite Image of 2017 of Uranus, Image Credit: NASA
Chandra telescope detected X-rays from Pluto


The unique sensitivity and precision of the Chandra telescope have resulted in significant advancement in the areas of astronomy. Chandra’s assistance in providing the answers to the questions of great importance such as What and where is the dark matter in our universe? What is the powerhouse driving the explosive activity in many distant galaxies? Does the Universe contain “dark energy” and if so, how important is it? is phenomenal. That is not all, the world’s most powerful X-ray telescope still has a lot to deliver to us.

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